The Student Windsurfing Association
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Last updated: 18/10/07 2325hrs

Latest News: 

Windsurfing places have now sold out!

A few last min XSWA bed spaces have been released so book online now to avoid missing out.

Confirmed numbers attending: 823 at last count...


This is it, the big page of information explaining away every question you have regarding the amazing AK6IX...


  • Windsurfers - £35: Instruction, accommodation, party, breakfast, event t-shirt, demo kit and prizes!!
  • Instructors - £5: Accomodation, party, breakfast, instructor t-shirt, demo kit, prizes and dedicated freesailing time plus advanced clinic from top UK 'GBR' and 'K' windsurfers.
  • XSWA - £20: Accomodation, party, breakfast.


Limits: Every single year we are fully booked so from Fresher to Old git, you need to book asap to avoid dissappointment. We have got more caravans this year and the bar have got over their shock of how much sambucca windsurfers can drink and are ordering extra so read on to find out how to register for the event.

Students: Yes the wait is over, this year you must pay online so your president will not need to deal with hundreds of cheques, cash and dodgy IOUs... So how do you get registered?

  • Your president will upload your name and email address to the website. Once they have done that then you can go to the 'Create an account' page and fill in the form to create login details for the website. Try to do this as soon as possible to avoid the hassle of doing it nearer the event payment date.
  • Tell your president ASAP that you want to go to Aussie Kiss. They need to know asap!! They will register you for the event online.
  • You will get an email confirming you have been registered and telling you to pay on the website. (It is  prob worth checking your email inboxes/junkmail folders at this time). Login to the site and go to 'Event Payment' in the usermenu where you can follow simple instructions to pay with any debit or credit card. The payment deadlines are important to keep to and will be very clear on the site.

Instructors: Monsieur Al Delaney is coordinating you guys pre-event. You need to have a valid Windsurf instructor qualification and/or Safety boat qualification. If your paperwork has expired then we may still have a use for you on the land possibly so get them in touch anyway.

  • Let your president know you are wanting to instruct
  • Dig out your certificates and scan them in asap.
  • EITHER: Email al@swa dot co dot uk
  • OR: Facebook Stalk "Alan Delaney, Uni. Nottingham Alum 07", make friends and then upload your certificates so he can get a copy of them.
  • Login and pay the £5 online through the XSWA section of the site.

XSWA: Anyone that is not a current student / instructor falls into this category. We have loads of caravan space and party space so you are all welcome. Payment details are all in the Exstudents (XSWA) section of the site so follow the link in the main menu and book yourself a place at AK6IX. You will need to create a login account if you don't have one already and pay online. You cannot just turn up and expect there to be space as for the last 3 years we have been fully booked!

NB. Freesailing will not be allowed at Roadford unless you have 3rd party insurance either through the RYA or a windsurf insurance company. Either bring proof with you or like most XSWA get a massive hangover and spend the day on Bude beach.


Any questions or web problems consult this page for updates, the FAQ section of the site or get in touch via the support option in the FAQ section. We will try our best to email back the same day. Hope you're looking forward to the biggest and best AK yet!!



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